We are psychologists, methodologists and statisticians with over 20 years of applied experience.
Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
Center-the-People Research
Cross-Cultural Assessments
Engagement Optimization Research
Climate Assessments
Organizational Assessments
EDI Gap Modeling
Evaluation Research
Barrier Assessments
Accessibility Research
Structural + Institutional Implicit Bias Assessment
Microaggression Awareness + Impact modeling
Insights + Strategy
Forecasting + Uptake Research
Physician, Patient + Caregiver Research
Custom KPI + Metrics Development
Voice of the Customer Research
Analysis of Change
Unmet Needs Assessments
Concept Testing + Enhancement
Custom Segmentations
“Pop-Up” Lab Research
Methods Used
Qualitative Interviews
Quantitative Assessment
Archival / Records-based
Research Audiences / Respondent Bases
Employees, Employers + Consumers
Professionals (Physicians, Lawyers, Scientists, Financial Advisors)
Advocates + Community Organizers
Patients + Caregivers
Consulting Services
Help for DIY Clients
Research Methods + Instruments Consulting
Evaluation and Assessment of existing surveys, field-interviews, qualitative guidelines, research materials and RFPs.
Methodological Assessment or Design Evaluation
Analysis Plan Evaluation + Recommendations
Consulting Services
Design + Analytics Services
Custom Design, Methods, Module + Analytics Consulting
New / Custom Methods, Modules, Techniques, Concept or Construct Measures, Scale Development
Variable Development / KPI / Outcome Metrics
Database Design + Variable Encoding
Model Development
Consulting Services
Strategies + Insights Development
Meta-Analysis, Systems + Structures Consulting
Meta-Analysis of Archived Research - look across existing research for trends, themes + insights, limits and impediments to insight development
EDI Lens Application to data structures, data constructs + systems, Diversity + Dominant-Culture-biases in practice, structural-systemic impediments to EDI enhancement
Unlocking Existing Data Potential for End-Users – services to connect end-users to the data they need