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Resources + News
Dr. Connie Kim-Gervey opens up about her experiences with racism, including being hit twice by a car because she is Asian. She also discusses the importance of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In addition, Dr. Connie Kim-Gervey examines the role Hollywood has played in stereotyping Asian Americans and its dangerous fetishization of Asian women.
“Our families are, at this time in our history, experiencing tremendous stress loads and tremendous public persecution. This, coupled with geographic and linguistic isolation and a dearth of Latino/a/x mental health providers, threatens to create the perfect mental health storm in our community.” —Alberto Moreno, Chair Emeritus, Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs
This qualitative study focused on the intersection of personal and ethnic identities among forty African American, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Chinese American high school students. The patterns in content indicated that for the Puerto Ricans, the intersection of their personal and social identities was a series of accommodations to a positive peer climate and a resistance to being Dominican. For the other ethnic groups, the intersection of their personal and social identities consisted of a process of resistance and accommodation to negative stereotypes projected on them by their peers and, for African Americans, themselves.