“I always wondered why somebody
didn’t do something about that.
Then I realized, I was somebody.”

We use an Equity, Diversity + Inclusion lens – because it’s who we are.
We’ve lived these issues our whole lives – because of who we are and the training we sought. We’ve been researching and consulting since the early 1990s, and a lot of our focus has been on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion. We’ve done this work across commercial, governmental and non-profit sectors, in North, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and parts of Africa. Our experience has taught us that there is an unfortunate lack of rigorous and scientifically valid research that centers the voices of non-dominant cultures, and as a result, those voices are all-too-often ignored by decision-makers and policy creators. KGR+C was founded, in part, to make sure those voices had a better chance to be heard and acted upon.
KGR+C is a minority-owned, minority operated partnership (llc-p) founded by non-dominant culture Psychologists, researchers + methodologists with a deep and abiding focus on equity, diversity + inclusion.

We are strategic consultants, not product salespeople.
There is no one “right way” to do research. There are typically multiple ways to learn what you need to move forward. Each approach has strengths and weaknesses, and that’s before considerations of budgets and timelines. So our first step is to sit down with you to determine which approaches suit you best, based on what you’re trying to learn, how you want to use those findings, and who will be consuming them. Ideally, each project is built from the ground up, using the approaches that best suit the goals of our clients. As a result, each project is customized, using a client-goal based design, analysis + reporting approach that keeps things grounded and increases applicability of findings and recommendations.

We are academically trained with deep experience in real-world settings.
Our founding partners both have PhDs in social-science research disciplines. Our training includes qualitative and quantitative methods, from ethnographic interviewing to statistical testing and modeling. We’ve used these tools in a wide variety of settings, from academic research for publication to corporate, government and the non-profit sector, and we’re quite comfortable with adapting our approach and engagement style to fit each context.

We believe in transparency and collaboration.
There are no “black-box” approaches to our work. A lot of what we do is specialized and takes training to understand, and we will always work with you to make sure you see how things were done, why they were done that way, what the tradeoffs or limits might be, and what steps we took to address those limits. Every process we engage in is open, and everything we produce is the result of a collaboration between us and our clients. With this approach, our reports and findings remain useful and understandable long after the projects are completed.

We will support our work after the project ends.
We don’t drop off a report and move on. If anyone on your team needs to follow-up after a project wraps, we’re happy to do so.